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Planned Parenthood
Breonna Taylor deserves justice — that means arresting and prosecuting all of the officers involved in her murder, to the full extent of the law. Planned Parenthood stands with the Movement for Black Lives and our partner organization's call to defund the police, which means investing in community-based solutions, education, and health care instead of militarizing police forces. When we fight for Black women, we fight for everyone.

You can support organizations that have long led the fight for racial justice, accountability, and an end to white supremacy by making a gift today.

In This Issue:
Papi Juice + Mano a Mano + RBG
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
This is something central to a woman's life, to her dignity. It's a decision that she must make for herself. And when Government controls that decision for her, she's being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”
— Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
We're mourning the loss of gender equity hero and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who, at her confirmation hearings, declared that abortion access is a Constiutional right. We're also honoring her achievements, and continuing to fight for our reproductive rights. #InHerHonor
      Mano a Mano      
At Planned Parenthood we often talk about the systemic barriers that Latinos face to access sexual and reproductive health care. We talk about their resilience, the effort they make to support their children, their families, and their community — putting themselves last on their long list of priorities.

For more than 30 years, Planned Parenthood's Promotores de Salud program has worked in Latino communities to bring education and sexual and reproductive health care access to women, men, and LGBTQ+ people. They only have one goal in mind: keeping their communities healthy; something that's become especially challenging during the COVID‑19 pandemic.

This month, we're celebrating the work of three people who are part of the Promotores program.

Lilliana D.
“Nunca hablé con mi mamá, con mis tías, o con mi familia sobre la salud reproductiva y sexual. De un lado ellos sentían vergüenza de hablar de este tema y de otro yo no sabía de dónde obtener buena información; por eso una vez que me eduqué sobre el tema, quería compartir con otros lo que yo había aprendido”.

“I never spoke to my mom, my aunts, or my family about reproductive and sexual health. On one hand they were ashamed to talk about this topic and on the other, I did not know where to get good information. So once I learned about it, I felt compelled to share with others what I had learned.”

Lilliana D.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
Cristobal V
“Un promotor es parte importante de la comunidad, una persona que tiene un interés genuino en ayudar a su gente y en llevarles información sobre temas de salud sexual y reproductiva. Los promotores conocemos la cultura de nuestras comunidades, hablamos su idioma y usamos su misma jerga; estamos cerca de ellos y así logramos que nuestros mensajes sean bien recibidos”.

“A promotor is an important part of the community, a person who has a genuine interest in helping their people and in providing them information on the topics of sexual and reproductive health care. As promotores we know the culture of our communities, we speak their language and use their same slang; we are close to them and thus we ensure that our messages are well received.”

Cristobal V.
Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi
Illiana D.
“Me concentro mucho en las pláticas porque son discusiones en las que todos participamos. De un lado nosotras les hablamos sobre la justicia reproductiva, compartimos información relevante y de interés para la comunidad, y de otro lado las personas nos comparten sus experiencias, sus vivencias y sus mitos”.

“Another of my responsibilities are the pláticas, which are discussions in which both of us — the promotora and the audience — participate. During these conversations we talk to people about reproductive justice and share relevant information to the community, and the audience share their experiences, their beliefs and myths.

Illiana D.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

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What we're listening to:
Papi Juice x Planned Parenthood
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"How do reproductive rights differ from trans people to cis people?"
Reproductive health care looks different for everyone. But we cannot have bodily autonomy until everyone has the right and the freedom to make their own decisions about their bodies and themselves. No matter who you are, politicians should not get to decide what you do with your body or what your family looks like.

Reproductive rights and access to quality, inclusive, and essential health care should be available to all and should not be subject to or dictated by where you live, how much money you make, or how you identify.

— Amanda at Planned Parenthood

Amanda at Planned Parenthood
Amanda is the Director of Constituency Campaigns at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She brings over a decade of experience in public affairs and social movements to the current movement for reproductive freedom.
Amanda and other experts from Planned Parenthood joined Tumblr's Issue Time to answer questions on reproductive rights, the importance of affordable health care, the lack of resources in underserved communities, and more!
The Unapologetic Street Series
November will be the FIRST election, where the Latino community will be the largest non-white racial and ethnic group able to vote. That's why this #LatinxHeritageMonth, Planned Parenthood teamed up with the @theunapologeticstreetseries to remind us all how important it is to raise our voices together and vote. Confirm your voter registration now.
What we're reading:
+ "Once in a Generation" Chance for Texas to Move Beyond Abstinence-Only Sex Education
+ Let's Talk Accessible Sex Toys
+ The CROWN Act Passes in the House, Proceeds to Senate for Consideration
+ I Grew Up Latinx & Disabled — & I'm Creating The Change I Want To See
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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