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Planned Parenthood
In This Issue:
Charlas Saludables + #BusinessforBC + Lady Don't Take No
Amara La Negra
Es importante para mi saber que yo utilice mi voz y mi vida para hacer una diferencia en este mundo”
— Amara La Negra
We kicked off Charlas Saludables, in partnership with People Chica, our new series to help foster healthy conversations around reproductive rights and health and civic activism in the Latino community. Panelists Daisy Auger‑Dominguez, Cindy Cruz, Alexis McGill Johnson, and Amara La Negra discussed reproductive health during COVID-19, systemic racism, activism, and other issues that impact the health and well‑being of our Latino community.
Right now, a growing number of businesses are pledging to guarantee birth control coverage for their workers. Why? Because it's essential health care that helps workers thrive, and because access to birth control fosters more equitable, inclusive working environments.

Sexual and reproductive health care is under threat in the U.S. and around the world. In case you missed it, the Supreme Court ruled that your boss or university — based on their personal objections — can decide if your health insurance covers your birth control.

Businesses that pledge to be a #BusinessforBC are helping to educate and inspire others in the business community to show their support for accessible birth control for all people. These companies know that access to birth control improves economic and health outcomes. Nearly 90% of women of reproductive age have used contraception in their lifetimes, and access to birth control has been proven to increase education level and wage earning.

Businesses are proudly displaying their pledge to provide and protect access to birth control and reproductive health care with #BusinessforBC badges on their social media. And last month, Alexis McGill Johnson joined The Female Quotient to discuss ways companies can advance diversity and inclusion through investment in employee and community health care, particularly for women and Black and LGBTQ+ communities.

Pledging to guarantee birth control access is part of a larger commitment to racial and gender equity: Women of color, especially Black and Indigenous women, face disproportionate barriers to accessing affordable health care. Access to a full range of sexual and reproductive health services is key to addressing historical disparities in unintended pregnancy, maternal mortality rates, and higher rates of breast and cervical cancer.

We have a long way to go, but committing to birth control coverage is one step toward greater racial equity in the workforce and more inclusive economic growth. Learn more about #BusinessforBC.
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Alexis McGill Johnson
Last month, Alexis McGill Johnson (@alexismcgill) was named permanent president and CEO of Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood Action Fund. In less than a year as acting president and CEO, after a decade in both organizations' leadership, Alexis has undertaken the deep work of building trust within Planned Parenthood and with our many partners in the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements. She is a renowned social and racial justice leader, lifelong political and cultural organizer, and a tireless advocate for reproductive rights and access to quality, affordable health care. Learn more about Alexis.
What we're listening to:
Olivia Pope'ing with Alexis McGill Johnson
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Birth Control Illustrations
Sometimes we all just need a breather — take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, and refocus, or tap into your creativity and relieve some stress with our coloring and activity pages.
What we're reading:
+ Period Poverty Is An Unknown Consequence of Coronavirus Shutdowns
+ This Photographer Is Shining A Light On Both Joy And Tragedy In The Trans Community
+ 6 Peruvian Artists & Activists to Know & Follow Beyond Pride + BHM
+ How to Unplug, Set Boundaries, and Practice Self-Care During Tumultuous Times
+ Nurses Have a History of Activism in the U.S., Championing Suffrage and Health Care Access
+ Planned Parenthood's Alexis McGill Johnson Is Sometimes Weary, Never Wary
+ rePROs Fight Back: Abortion Access is a Health Equity Issue
+ Blood + Milk: A Conversation about the Healthcare Inequities of Black Women and Miscarriages
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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