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Self-Managed Abortion + Why the Courts Still Matter + Gendered Clothing
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Why is Clothing Gendered?

Many clothing stores have separate men’s and women’s sections because our culture pushes gender roles, the gender binary, and gender norms that “assign” certain styles based on gender. But just because stores typically put skirts in a women’s section and boxers in a men’s section doesn’t mean that only women can wear skirts and only men can wear boxers — everybody can wear either.

How society genders (or doesn't gender) clothing is different depending on where you live. Different cultures make different gender “assignments” for colors, fabrics, patterns, and cuts of clothing. One culture might see a particular article of clothing as more masculine, while another might see it as more feminine, and another might not assign a gender to it at all.

How people see clothing also varies from person to person. Depending on who you ask, different types of clothing can seem feminine, masculine, gender neutral, or something else. The gendering of clothing, just like the gendering of people, is a construct.

No matter your society or culture, clothing is an important way for you to express yourself, feel like yourself, and feel good.

Clothing can also make you feel gender dysphoria or gender euphoria depending on your gender identity. For example, some transgender and nonbinary people feel gender euphoria when they wear clothing that’s labeled for a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth or clothing that’s labeled as unisex, since it’s gender neutral. People of any gender identity can experience gender euphoria when they wear clothing that affirms their gender and themselves.

Each person is unique. So, dress in any way that makes you feel most comfortable. It's OK if you don't focus on clothing at all. And if you don't have access to gender-affirming clothing, know that you're not alone.

— Miriam at Planned Parenthood

*Note: Planned Parenthood is not responsible for nor does it endorse any legal, medical, or other advice or information provided by any of the entities identified or referenced herein or by any other third parties, whether referenced herein or not.

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